This is Minnie, the dog we are hoping to adopt when we get back from Ohio. I love that I can hold them both at the same time.
On a totally unrelated note, these are some powerful words from Jeffrey R. Holland about the Savior. I usually try not to be too "wordy" in my blog, but I remember reading this talk on my mission (4 years ago!) and still think about what he said, so I'd say it's worth a read. (I bolded some of it).
"When we stagger or stumble, He is there to steady and strengthen us. In the end He is there to save us, and for all this He gave His life. However dim our days may seem, they have been a lot darker for the Savior of the world. As a reminder of those days, Jesus has chosen, even in a resurrected, otherwise perfected body, to retain for the benefit of His disciples the wounds in His hands and in His feet and in His side—signs, if you will, that painful things happen even to the pure and the perfect; signs, if you will, that pain in this world is not evidence that God doesn’t love you; signs, if you will, that problems pass and happiness can be ours. Remind others that it is the wounded Christ who is the Captain of our souls, He who yet bears the scars of our forgiveness, the lesions of His love and humility, the torn flesh of obedience and sacrifice.

"These wounds are the principal way we are to recognize Him when He comes. He may invite us forward, as He has invited others, to see and to feel those marks. If not before, then surely at that time, we will remember with Isaiah that it was for us that a God was “despised and rejected … ; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief,” that “he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed” (Isa. 53:3, 5)."
-Jeffrey R. Holland, "Teaching, Preaching, Healing," Jan 2003 Ensign
Merry Christmas!