It is no more!
This space is to the right of where the tub was, it was framed and carpeted and used to be where Cooper and Minnie liked to take naps and watch for us to come home. Sorry, guys!
We're going to make it a more complete and functional laundry room, I'm thinking something like this, with cabinets along the tall wall, nothing below the window, and a bar going across Cooper and Minnie's old special spot. We're also going to lay pergo in the loft and laundry area.

Anyone who's seen behind the walls of their place knows you find some crazy stuff that the contractors left. We found this 7 Up (glass) bottle and a mountain dew can from before James and I were born. If anyone wants to buy it, I still have it. It might be worth something.
Valentine's Day: I was spoiled. I came home to a bubble bath (this was pre-demolition) while James cooked dinner for us. Dinner was delicious and he had delivered flowers to my work earlier that day.
Good job, James!