Sunday, August 22, 2010

James' Birthday Cake

I made James a Modern Warfare 2 cake for his birthday, as much as it pained me. Just kidding, it was kind of fun, they were just the ugliest icing colors I have ever mixed. I did replicas of some of his favorite guns from the game on the side, which I was the most proud of and kept asking James if they look like the real thing. It was all done with buttercream, if I knew how to do fondant it might have looked better or been easier, I don't really know.

P.S. It was a confetti cake mix with the confetti canned frosting for filling.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

James has abandoned us

Last night while I was sleeping (at 10pm on a Friday night), James decided to go rogue and start his own blog. I guess the brown and pink title and all the posts about cakes and girly emotions didn't really make him feel like it was a safe place for HIS feelings. James said you can expect his blog to include NO cake decorating, NO scrapbooking and NO updates on our life. Sounds exciting, eh? There IS the potential that he will update more than me, though, Mom, so that's a plus.

Sunday, August 1, 2010


I have trouble (to put it lightly) with patience. When I want something, I want it now! If it's a good thing, why should I have to wait?

The reason I am writing this post is for those who have felt this way for any length of time. I want to share what has helped me. I feel strongly that my Heavenly Father wants me to learn patience at this time. Because I struggle with this, I have gone looking for help. Here are some things that have helped me to see things in perspective.

President Dieter F. Uchtdorf's talk from last priesthood session is very helpful, he talks about having patience when we don't understand why Heavenly Father is withholding a particularly good blessing from us.

Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin gave this talk a couple years ago which reminds me that we should enjoy life while we're experiencing it, and not only look forward to tomorrow.

I love this Mormon Message from Elder Jeffrey R. Holland. I tear up pretty much every time I watch it.

Last of all, Elder Jeffrey R. Holland gave a talk about how blessings for others doesn't lessen the blessings we have received or will receive.

I hope this post is helpful to someone, sometime. I think we often struggle alone, thinking we are the only one who has felt the way we do.
P.S. One more article that is helpful is "But if not..." by Dennis E. Simmons.